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My year in books


In my world, the best way to look at a passing year is by gauging how many new things did it teach me. This year I can’t help but notice the wide variety of books (snapshot attached) I managed to read from science fiction to autobiographies. From all of those, here are my top 3 recommendations:

1️⃣ Spark– If you are struggling to maintain a fitness routine, this is your thing. With all the science behind it explained so well, it helped to re-energize my fitness regime with a bang.

2️⃣ Long walk to freedom– This one book is like OMG! If you haven’t read it yet, you are sure to have missed an awesome inspirational story told in the words of the great Nelson Mandela himself.

3️⃣ Leaders eat last– No surprise that this is another great piece by one of my favorite authors Simon Sinek. If you are struggling with implementing a servant leader approach, grab this for sure!  

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siddhi thakkar publish iconThis content was originally published for my TechTuesday’s initiative on LinkedIn.

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