
Not posting on social media leads to lower self-esteem!

siddhi thakkar social media

Great holiday, fantastic party and incredible food, most of us show our lives in the best light on social media. Some recent studies show that encountering such posts regularly has an adverse effect on people who don’t post enough. This is because they end up comparing their own seemingly “dull-and-boring” lives with what they see in their newsfeeds. This behaviour, called passive social media use (PSMU), can have drastic effect on our mental well being, sense of belongingness and overall life satisfaction.

The second aspect of that effect is our Fear of Missing Out abbreviated as FOMO. It typically happens when you see pictures, videos or posts from your friends who appear to be doing things that are more fun and exciting while you are into something ordinary. Naturally, you feel like you are missing out on something.

Find out more details about the effects technology has on us.

siddhi thakkar publish icon This content was originally published for my TechTuesday’s initiative on LinkedIn.

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