This was the first time ever when I resolved to do something 💪💪 at the beginning of year and actually carried through until end. Happy to share the following pointers that might help you in pulling through your new year resolutions as well!
- Trigger– If you are looking to change an existing habit/behavior, identify the trigger 🚩🚩 first. For instance, in case of a smoker, it could be experiencing that feeling of stress or if you are wanting to become a morning person, your trigger could be the ring of alarm ⏰⏰ after which you go back to sleep.
- Response– Once you experience that trigger, make a deliberate attempt to divert your attention 🧠🧠 to the new behavior you want to incorporate. Again in case of a smoker, it could be drinking water 💧💧 instead of smoking. In case of lazy chaps, it could be walking out of the room instead of going back to bed.
- Reward– After you have acted as per your new behavior, reward yourself 🏆 🏆 with something that you absolutely love! Trick is that the reward should follow the response immediately without any time lapse. A smoker could be rewarded for drinking water by having a cuppa coffee ☕☕ or a lazy chap’s reward could be a breath of fresh morning air.
I first read this life-changing trick in The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg and since then became a fan. I can bet that it works! You just need to identify the above three parameters proactively.
This content was originally published for my TechTuesday’s initiative on LinkedIn.