Imagine a site from where you can order people, add them to cart and have them delivered to your home for free! All those you can choose from have their profiles listed up with prices, ratings, “product” features and words of affirmation so that you know what you must say (and do) when you meet them. It also brings all the conveniences of a Amazon Prime subscription to everyone who’s curious enough find partners!

Enter Amazon Dating– currently a prank that gives a sneek peek into a future that might be true. Just pick the person you like and order them as you would do with any other product. The platform is set up by a team of creative minds who took their jokes too far, but since it’s launch Amazon seems to have received more than 10,000 applications to feature this option on their main menu. If this turns real, Amazon might end up teaching us new ways of “buying” people too.
This content was originally published for my TechTuesday’s initiative on LinkedIn.