
Make your kids learn anything with this agile technique

siddhi thakkar happy kids in school

I frequently find myself trying to predict what the world will be like for my young kids when they are ready to enter the job market. As a parent, we need to guide our children into a worthwhile and promising career but how do we do that? I don’t have a definitive answer, but I do have an approach of a learning process that can help our kids in developing the most unpredictable skills- that too in a fun way. Here are the steps:

  1. Set up a physical board, as shown in the picture below.
  2. Fill the Learn column with the topics to be learnt- the more granular they are, the better it is.
  3. Encourage your child to take ownership and move things to the Learning column while he/she is at it.
  4. Help her focus on one thing at a time by limiting the number of topics in Learning column.
  5. Conduct a daily stand-up with her alongside the board to offer help and support during her learning process.
  6. When she is comfortable with a topic, ask her to present it to you.
  7. Move the topic to Learnt column and CELEBRATE!!
siddhi thakkar kids kanban

In a professional Agile world, we call it Kanban technique and this hugely successful way of managing projects in corporate world will allow you to play the role of a mentor to kids rather than being a teacher. She will definitely gain a lot of self-confidence by being able to monitor her own progress and keeping a track record of all the learnt topics.

Source: How Kids Can Learn Everything With This Brilliant Technique

siddhi thakkar publish icon This content was originally published for my TechTuesday’s initiative on LinkedIn.

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